Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Do you know civiCRM?

CiviCRM is the first open source and freely downloadable constituent relationship management solution. CiviCRM is web-based, open source, internationalized, and designed specifically to meet the needs of advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups.

CiviCRM is a powerful contact, fundraising and eCRM system that allows you to record and manage information about your various constituents including volunteers, activists, donors, employees, clients, vendors, etc. Track and execute donations, transactions, conversations, events or any type of correspondence with each constituent and store it all in one, easily accessible and manageable source.

CiviCRM 是一套开源码的 constituent relationship management(民众/选民关系软件),主要是提供给非营利/非政府组织使用,用来管理组织与民众、志愿者、支持者的资料与其互动。最近 CiviCRM 推出了1.5版,有适合 Drupal 和 Joomla 的版本可供下载。(新闻来源:Announcing CiviCRM 1.5)

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